About the Conference
The 11th International Design Study Forum and Conference
The Institute of Design Studies, College of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology is dedicated to design education and research, and industry-government-academia cooperation. In order to increase the energy of design research, the " International Design Study Forum and Conference " has been held since 2014, and is now in its 11th year. This is a platform for the presentation of research results and interactive exchange between people in the fields of design education and practice.
Scientific Program
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, College of Design, Design Hall 1 and Hall 2.
FRI. JUNE 14, 2024
09:30 – 18:30 Poster Session DC111F/111E
09:50 – 10:10 Conference Registration DCB01
10:10 – 10:30 Opening Ceremony DCB01
10:00 – 12:00 Keynote Speech 1 DCB01
The Designer's Downfall and Post-Design
Prof. CHOH Ikuro -
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break – Mingle DC111C
13:30 – 15:30 Breakout Session DC102/111F/111E/122
15:00 – 17:00 Keynote Speech 2 DCB01
Material Experience Design: Shaping Interactive Narratives through the Lens of Materialities
Prof. KAKEHI Yasuaki -
17:00 – 18:00 Best Paper Award & Closing Ceremony DCB01
Keynote Speakers

Call for paper
The 11th International Design Study Forum and Conference will be published as a collection of papers, and the ISBN will be applied to the International Standard Book Numbering Center of the National Central Library; outstanding symposium papers will be recommended for submission to the Journal of Design, and will be published as journal papers after a complete review mechanism. The call for papers is as follows.
1、 會議說明 Conference Description:
The Institute of Design Studies, College of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology is dedicated to design education and research, and industry-government-academia cooperation. In order to increase the energy of design research, the " International Design Study Forum and Conference " has been held since 2014, and is now in its 11th year. This is a platform for the presentation of research results and interactive exchange between people in the fields of design education and practice.
2、 會議日期 Dates:
第十一屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會(IDSFC 2024) 預定於2024年6月14日(五)舉辦。
The 11th International Design Research Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2024) is scheduled to be held on June 14 (Fri.), 2024.
3、 會議主題 Conference theme:
本次會議主題為「Future Foundations」。旨在號召各方學者,以設計觀點,重新塑造未來社會。這場研討會主要探討的是設計如何在當代的社會和科技背景下,使設計更具有人性、考量全球化的問題、文化差異、數位責任等多方面的議題。
The theme of this conference is "Future Foundations," aimed at rallying scholars from various fields to reshape the future society from a design perspective. The symposium primarily explores how design, in the context of contemporary society and technology, can become more human-centric and address issues such as globalization, cultural differences, digital responsibility, and various other aspects.
4、 徵稿議題分類 The categories of submitted topics:
環境與福祉設計 (Designing for Environmental and Well-being)、數位轉型 (Digital Transformation)、設計理論與方法 (Design Theory and Research Methods)、設計管理與實踐 (Design Management and Professional Practice)、文化創新與設計應用 (Cultural Innovation and Design Application)、其他設計相關領域 (Other Design Areas)等。詳細分類發布於活動網站。
Designing for Environmental and Well-being, Digital Transformation, Design Theory and Research Methods, Design Management and Professional Practice, Culture Innovation and Design Application and Other Design Areas.
Detailed categories are published on the event website.
5、 徵稿對象 Target Audience:
Scholars, doctoral students, researchers and professionals in the field of design from home and abroad.
6、 主辦單位 Organizer:
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Institute of Design, College of Design.
7、 會議地點 Venue:
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, College of Design, Design Hall 1 and Hall 2.
8、 重要期程 Schedule:
Abstract submission deadline: March 24, 2024 (Sun.)
Notification of abstract review results: April 14, 2024 (Sun.)
Deadline for payment of fees: May 12, 2024 (Sun.)
論文全文及海報繳交截止:2024年5月12 日(星期一)
Deadline for submission of full papers and posters: May 12, 2024 (Sun.)
Seminar: June 14(Fri.), 2024
9、投稿方式 Submission link:
(或請點選上方 Submission 按鈕進行投稿)
以論文摘要透過 OpenConf 線上系統投稿,待摘要審查通過通知後,於期限內上傳全文檔案、海報檔案並繳交報名費。
(1) 論文摘要、全文與海報等格式,將公告於本活動網頁。
(2) 發表費用,依投稿審查通過篇數,以匯款方式,報名費新台幣1500元。
Abstract submission system: http://idsfc2024.cf/openconf/
(or please click the Submission button below to submit)
Please submit your abstracts through the OpenConf online system, and after the abstracts are reviewed and approved, upload the full-text files and poster files and pay the registration fee within the deadline.
(1) The format of abstract, full text, and poster will be posted on the website of this event.
(2) The application fee is 1500 NTD according to the number of articles reviewed and approved.
10、 發表方式 Publication process:
(1) 本論壇研討會以英文為官方語言,依規劃場次,以英文進行10 分鐘研究報告,5分鐘對談與問答。
(2) 海報於研討會場展示發表。
(3) 若受疫情影響調整線上發表(依主辦單位發布於官方網站為準)。
(1) The forum will be held in English as the official language, with a 10-minute research report and a 5-minute discussion and Q&A session in English according to the planned schedule.
(2) Posters will be presented at the symposium.
(3) If affected by the epidemic, the presentation will be adjusted online (according to the organizer's official website).
11、2024IDSFC匯款帳號 (2024IDSFC Remittance Account)